Your Property, is Our Priority
Our skilled team ensures your property is monitored effectively, addressing any parking issues before they escalate with Towing and Citation options.
We provide enforcement solutions that help maintain order and enhance the quality of your property. We identify the violation and call in your towing provider.
Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your property needs are always at the forefront.
We act as an independent auditor, separate of your existing preferred towing provider in order to allow a private property to enforce their parking rules. Based on a property’s needs we help design a program to monitor for parking violations and general security. Using PPA meets the Oregon State Tow Boards recent code amendments to ORS 98.854 & 98.853, which disallows a “tow provider to identify vehicles on private properties for impound/tow.” Using PPA as your “owners agent” bridges the gap between “tower” and “identifier.”
Pacific Property Auditors is excited to earn your business. We will respond shortly.